Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Perchance to dream stupidly.

I haven't slept much the past two nights. Part of it is being wracked by stupid dreams. Here was one: Elizabeth and I were working on a “social media strategy.” Apparently this involved taking a ride along a canal in a medium-sized boat to collect and dispose of diaper footballs.

I remember the boat was kind of nice. It had stripes painted on it and brass rails, a cabin below. Fronting on this canal were a series of luxury condos, and really nice restaurants with big glass windows. Inside one restaurant, which had pale yellow exterior stucco walls and trim cut from rich, dark wood, you could see big potted plants and tables with white tablecloths set for lunch. This district was like some of the posher stretches of the London canal system. The canal was narrow and the boat traveled really close. You could step off right onto the balconies of these buildings.

Apparently, the balconies were littered with diaper footballs. (Non-parents: a diaper football is when you fold a used diaper up tightly, securing the contents into a ball you can easily toss into the garbage). We got rid of the footballs by tossing them overhand into the water. My girlfriend was telling me why it was important to get rid of them as soon as possible. If you don’t, she explained, they freeze overnight and become like rocks. Homeless people throw them through the windows of people’s home and of businesses. Then they rob them.

The meaning behind this dream: not sure. Work is preoccupied with social media lately, there's a child in the house who has still been in diapers --- which tends to be more apparent when warm weather brings out the essence of things --- and Elizabeth is smarter than me. She usually has to be the one to explain things. Also, workwise, I think this dream confirms my whole mind is in agreement about being done doing shitty jobs.

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