Monday, October 18, 2010

Just a couple pictures from this weekend.

Rented a house in Southold, LI with my brother, his fiancee and a few of his friends. It was an engagement party. I didn't take enough pictures by any stretch. We went to a vineyard on Saturday. Here is Beth.
Here is the view behind the house.
The stairs lead out to a floating dock.

During the short trip we grabbed any views of the Sound we could (see the last post) but otherwise had a pretty tight agenda, and were relying on people to drive us around. There was a private beach a few houses down from the floating dock, just grass leading down to maybe 15 feet of sand. The morning we left I dug my fingers into what little sand there was and rubbed it my palm. This isn't like that dirt they have around Lake Harriet, babe, I told Beth. This is real sand.

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